2016 Gardens Open Raises £2,000 for Wimborne in Bloom Funds
Over 350 people enjoyed this year's Open Gardens Day held in aid of Wimborne in Bloom Sunday 19th June. This year there were two new gardens with a number returning from previous years amongst the total of nineteen open. Teas were on hand at a number of venues, there were also some plant stalls.
Richard Nunn, Chairman of Wimborne in Bloom speaking after the event said "despite the persistent drizzle, which arrived much earlier than forecast, it was really pleasing to see so many people, both local and visitors to the area, out and about the Open Gardens. Even better was that they had smiles on their faces - typically stoic supporters so important to Wimborne in Bloom. A huge 'thank you' also to the gardens owners who gave so freely of their time and welcomed all those admiring their gardens. We were also most grateful to the Olive Branch (Hall & Woodhouse) for their sponsorship of the event which helped to fund the posters, handbills and programmes"
A total of £2,000 was raised towards this years in Bloom Campaign.
The Mayor - Sue Cook - visiting one of the many gardens open to the public
Overcast conditions did little to dampen the delights on show
Roses were particularly strong this year
Garden pest - caught munching blooms just hours before garden opening time!