
Wimborne in Bloom is a completely voluntary organisation. We need to raise in excess of £20,000 a year to fund our operation and maintain our high standards (see our finances). The fund-raising events for the year are listed below. We always would be delighted to hear from anyone who would be willing to host an event for us.

2024 Events

Feb 29th ThuAnnual Wine & Wisdom Quiz, 7.30pm, Press Release and Results
May 11th SatSpring Coffee Morning, Press Release and photos
May 19th SunSpring Collection - Open Gardens, 11am-5pm, Report and photos
Jun 3rd MonAnnual Meeting, Town Hall, 7.30pm
Jun 30th SunWimborne Minster Open Gardens, Press Release and photos
Aug 24th Sat24th Annual Duck Race, 4pm, More ...
Nov 9th SatCharities Fair, Allendale Centre, 10am-3pm


2023 Events

Mar 3rd FriAnnual Wine & Wisdom Quiz, Press Release and Results
Apr 17th MonAGM Town Hall 7.30pm
May 20th SatSpring Coffee Morning - Press Release and photo
Jun 25th SunWimborne Minster Open Gardens, Press Release and photos
Aug 26th Sat23rd Annual Duck Race, Press Release and photos
Nov 11th SatCharities Fair, Allendale Centre, Press Release and photos


2022 Events

Mar 4th FriAnnual Wine & Wisdom Quiz, Press Release and Results
Apr 3rd SunGB Spring Clean Community Litter Pick, meet Redcotts Park, 11am, organised by Wimborne War on Waste
Apr 9th SatPublicity stand at Wimborne Horticultural Show, Allendale Centre, 10am-4pm
May 6th FriFashion Show at M&Co, Crown Mead, in aid of In Bloom funds,Press Release and Photos
May 23rd MonAnnual Meeting, WMTC committee room 7.30pm
Jun 26th SunOpen Gardens Press Release and photo
Jul 24th SunRiver Clean, river Allen, more ...
Jul 28th ThuLitter Pick, Wimborne War on Waste, 4pm-5.30pm, meet FairGround Shop, Cornmarket
Aug 27th Sat22nd Annual Duck Race, 1000 ducks, more ...
Nov 12th SatCharities Fair, Allendale Centre, more ...
Nov 26th SatWIB switch on Christmas Lights in Wimborne, more ...
Nov 27th SunWIB celebrate 30 years, more ...
Dec 05th MonLord Lieutenant plants tree, more ...
Dec 10th SatIn Bloom float in the Save The Children parade


2021 Events

Aug 28th SatDuck Race, 4pm on the River Allen. Press Release and Results
Sep 5th SunWimborne Minster Private Gardens open in aid of 'In Bloom' funds. 11am-5pm. Press Release and Photos
Sep 18th SatWimborne in Bloom stall at Adenture Fun Day on Minster Green Press Release and Photos
Nov 13th SatCharities Fair, Allendale Community Centre. 10am-3pm. Press Release and Photos
Nov 26th FriFashion Shows at M&Co, Crown Mead, Press Release and Photos
Dec 11th SatWimborne in Bloom float in the Wimborne Save the Children Parade, Photos ...


2020 Events

Mar 2nd MonWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting, Town Hall, Wimborne Minster, 7.30pm
Mar 6th FriWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening, Press Release and Results
May 16th SatCancelled Spring Coffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle. 34 Park Lane, Wimborne.
Jun 28th SunCancelled Wimborne Minster Private Gardens open in aid of 'In Bloom' funds. Take the Virtual Garden Tour instead!
Jul 20-25thCancelled Judging of local 'Wimborne in Bloom' competition.
Jul 26th Sun3rd Annual Poets' Corner River Clean, All Welcome more ...
Aug 29th SatCancelled Duck Race, 4pm on the River Allen.
Sep 19th SatCancelled Local Competition Prizegiving at Allenbourn Middle School.
Oct 2nd FriCancelled M&Co Crown Mead - Fashion Show in aid of Wimborne in Bloom. 7pm
Nov 14th SatCancelled Charities Fair, Allendale Community Centre. 10am-3pm, more ...
Nov 21st SatCancelled Pre-Christmas Coffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle. 34 Park Lane, Wimborne. 10am-12am


2019 Events

FebruaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting, Town Hall, Wimborne Minster: Press Release and Photo
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening, Allendale Centre: Press Release and Photos
MaySpring Coffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release
JuneWimborne Minster Private Gardens open in aid of 'In Bloom' funds: Press Release and Photos
JulyLitter Pick around the town in advance of Judging for South & South-East in Bloom
JulyJudging of Wimborne for South & South-East in Bloom competition: Press Release and Photos
JulyJudging of local 'Wimborne in Bloom' competition: Results.
JulyLitter Pick around the town in advance of Judging of Wimborne for Britain in Bloom.
JulyJudging of Wimborne for Britain in Bloom competition: Press Release and Photos
AugustDuck Race, 4pm on the River Allen: More ...
SeptemberLocal Competition Prizegiving at Allenbourn Middle School: Press Release and Photos
SeptemberM&Co Crown Mead - Fashion Show in aid of Wimborne in Bloom: Press Release and Photos.
NovemberCharities Fair, Allendale Community Centre: Press Release and Photos.
NovemberPre-Christmas Coffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos.
DecemberFloat in the annual Wimborne Save The Children Parade.


2018 Events

FebruaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting, Town Hall, Wimborne Minster: Press Release
FebruaryPancake Race around the Minster: Press Release and Photos
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening: Press Release and Photos
MayCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
JuneWimborne Minster Private Gardens open in aid of 'In Bloom' funds: Press Release and Photos
JulyLitter Pick in advance of S&SE Judging.
JulyJudging of South & South East in Bloom: Press Release and Photos
JulyJudging of local 'Wimborne in Bloom' competition: Results
JulyLitter Pick in advance of Britain in Bloom Judging.
JulyJudging of Wimborne for Britain in Bloom: Press Release and Photos
AugustDuck Race, 4pm on the River Allen: Press Release and Photos
SeptemberLocal Competition Prize Giving, Allenbourn Middle School: Press Release and Photos
SeptemberM&Co - Fashion Show in aid of Wimborne in Bloom: Press Release and Photos
NovemberCharities Fair, Allendale Community Centre: Press Release and Photos
NovemberCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
DecemberWimborne in Bloom Float in Save the Children Christmas Parade: Photos


2017 Events

JanuaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting, Town Hall, Wimborne Minster.
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening, Allendale Community Centre: Press Release and Photos
MayCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
JuneWimborne Minster Private Gardens open in aid of 'In Bloom' funds: Press Release and Photos
JulyLitter pick in advance of Regional Judging
JulyJudging of South & South East in Bloom: Press Release and Photos
JulyPriest's House Museum Afternoon Teas - in aid of in Bloom funds: Press Release and Photos
JulyJudging of local in Bloom competition: Results, Press Release and Photos
AugustDuck Race, 4pm on the River Allen: Press Release and Photos
September In celebration of Wimborne in Bloom's 25th Anniversary M&Co staged a Fashion Show: Press Release and Photos
SeptemberLocal Competition prize giving: Results and Photos
NovemberCharities Fair, Allendale Community Centre: Press Release and Photos
NovemberCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
November25 years of Wimborne in Bloom: more ...
DecemberWimborne in Bloom Float in Save the Children Christmas Parade: Photos
DecemberCarols in the Cornmarket, accompanied by members of the Broadstone Community Concert Band.


2016 Events

JanuaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening: Press Release and Photos
MarchClean for the Queen - National Campaign: Press Release and Photos
MayCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
JuneWimborne Minster Private Gardens Open: Press Release and Photos
JuneArt and Poetry Competition: Judging over
JulySouth & South East in Bloom Judging: The Judges visit. Press Release and Results.
JulyLocal Competition Judging: preparations and Results
AugustDuck Race: The Quacktastic Results
SeptemberLocal Competition prize giving: Results and Photos
NovemberCharities Fair: Press Release and Photos.
NovemberCoffee Morning: Press Release and Photos.
DecemberSave The Children parade: Photos.

2015 Events

JanuaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening: Press Release
MayCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
June Wimborne Minster Private Gardens open: Press Release and Photos
JulyJudging of Wimborne in Bloom local competitions: Results and Pictures
JulySouth & South East in Bloom Judging: Picture and Results
AugustRHS Britain in Bloom Judging: Press Release
AugustDuck Race on the River Allen: Press Release and Photos
SeptemberPublicity stand Wimborne Horticultural Society Autumn Show
SeptemberWimborne in Bloom Prize-giving: Results and Pictures
NovemberCharities Fair, Allendale Community Centre: Press Release and Pictures
NovemberCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release

One of the many splendid gardens open in 2014

One of the many splendid gardens opened to the public in 2014 in aid of Wimborne in Bloom funds.

2014 Events

JanuaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening: Press Release
March-AprilSpring Garden Competition
MayCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release
JuneWimborne Minster Private Gardens open: Press Release and Photos
JuneJudging of the Local in Bloom Competition: Results
JulyJudging of the Town in the South and South East in Bloom Competition: Judging Day Photos, Result!
AugustDuck Race: Results and Photos
SeptemberWimborne in Bloom Competition - Prizegiving: Results
NovemberCharities Fair
NovemberCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle

2013 Events

JanuaryWimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting
MarchWine and Wisdom Quiz Evening: Results and Photos
March-AprilSpring Garden Competition
MayCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle
JuneWimborne Minster Private Gardens open in aid of 'In Bloom' funds: Press Release and Photos
JulyComprehensive litter picks prior to the judging
JulySouth & South East in Bloom Judging, Small Town Category
JulyJudging of Wimborne in Bloom Competition: Results
AugustDuck Race, on the River Allen: Results and Photos
NovemberCharities Fair, Allendale Community Centre: Press Release and Photos
NovemberCoffee Morning - Bring and Buy - Raffle: Press Release and Photos
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