Gardens Open


"Well – what a scorcher – and not only weatherwise!" said Chairman of Wimborne in Bloom Richard Nunn speaking after the Wimborne in Bloom Open Gardens Day. With over 500 people from far and wide wandering round the 22 Gardens Open in and around the Town of Wimborne Minster on Sunday 25th June all the hard work put in by our gardeners proved so worthwhile. Given the heat perhaps not as many managed to visit all the gardens as in the past but there were some very happy people and all able to get teas and cakes at several of the locations.

Gardens Open

There were two new gardens open this year along with three others which had opened in the past. Plant sales at several gardens helped to boost the overall total and particular thanks are due to Jonathan and Elizabeth Gilbert who donated a large selection of plants for sale. At Hollybank House there was extra entertainment by the Wrinkle Pickers playing on their Guitars. The day only succeeds through the efforts of all involved both before, during, and after the day. With generous sponsorship from Christopher Batten, Estate Agents a total of over £5,800 was raised – the effect of which will be seen in the floral displays and hanging baskets around Wimborne. A huge ‘Thank You’ to all involved and all who supported by their presence.