2018 Gardens Open Raises almost £3,500 for Wimborne in Bloom Funds
Over 550 people enjoyed this year's Open Gardens Day held in aid of Wimborne in Bloom on Sunday 24th June. A glorious summers day, it was of course Midsummers Day and it truly lived up to its name!
Richard Nunn, Chairman of Wimborne in Bloom speaking after the event said "How excellent that so many members of the public, from far and wide, chose Wimborne's Open Gardens to visit on such a beautiful day despite there being a certain major football event in competition! On speaking with garden owners all enjoyed welcoming their visitors, answering questions and gladly accepting the well justified praise for their efforts - not to mention the excellent amount of money raised towards Wimborne in Bloom providing the Town's floral displays. Thank you to all involved in whatever capacity."
There were a total of 18 gardens open in and around the Town and to further boost the funds teas were sold at a number of venues and there were also some plant stalls. Almost £3,500 was raised towards this years 'In Bloom' Campaign. We were also grateful for the support of Symonds and Sampson and Holmans for their help towards printing and other costs.
Below: A celebration of the day! Detail from several of the gardens open on the day, along with some of the many people who voluntarily gave their time either opening their gardens or helping make the event happen.