2019 Wimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting
There was an attendance of over 30 people at the Wimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting held in the Town Hall on Monday 4th February when Chairman Richard Nunn announced that the Town had been nominated as a Britain in Bloom National Finalist for the second year in succession. The nomination by the South and South East In Bloom Region is on account of the Town winning the 'Town' Title with a Gold Award last summer. It will again mean that the Town will be judged twice this summer first in the Regional Competition and then in the National Competition. In the National Competition last year the Town won a Silver Gilt Medal.
For more on Britain in Bloom, including the list of Towns that we are up against and details of the revised marking scheme, see here.
At the meeting which was attended by committee members, supporters and the Town Mayor, Cllr Mrs Kelly Webb, Mr Nunn reported on the various events held during 2018. He thanked everyone for their support particularly at our fund raising events. He highlighted also the value of our partnership with both the Wimborne BID and Wimborne Minster Town Council which is now in its sixth year. It remains of very significant benefit to all three parties and Wimborne itself.
In presenting the accounts Mr Nunn reported on an income of just over £24,000. The accounts showed a deficit of £2,600 due to an increase in costs and exceptional expenditure which included the purchase of additional and replacement planters. Plans are in hand to address this deficit during the current year.
The committee were all re-elected with Richard Nunn being re-elected as Chairman.
The first fundraising event of the new year is the ever popular Wine and Wisdom Fun Quiz Evening on Friday 1st March. A number of teams have already booked for the event. Our Open Gardens Day this year is on Sunday 30th June. Offers for new gardens will be greatly appreciated ... please contact Les Halton on 01202 880131.