Now in our 32nd year ...

Welcome to the Wimborne in Bloom website, a record of some of the activities and successes of a group of volunteers drawn from the townsfolk of Wimborne Minster, in their ongoing contribution towards making this market town an attractive place in which to work and live.

Latest ...

August Duck Race! The 24th annual Wimborne in Bloom Duck Race raises over £1,800 towards the town's floral displays, read more ...

Duck Race

July With plenty of warm sunshine and regular watering to help them develop the summer floral displays and hanging baskets fill the town with colour. Over 100 towers and planters, along with 140 plus hanging baskets, are all kept in peak condition thanks to regular watering by the Grass & Grounds team.

Summer Floral
Summer Floral
Summer Floral
Summer Floral

June The Wimborne in Bloom 'Summer' Open Gardens day brings in over 400 visitors, with 20 private gardens opening their doors to showcase some of the best garden and floral displays in the area, read more ...

Summer Open Gardens Day

June The hanging baskets element of this year's floral display is put out around the town. Once again the baskets were supplied by Beecroft Nurseries. With Wimborne in Bloom volunteers, Matt from Wimborne Minster Town Council grounds staff and Chris from Grass and Grounds Ltd we managed to get all 140 hung in just under 3 hours (including coffee break!). The barrels and tower planters will be planted up w/c 18th June, the planting for these too will be supplied by Beecroft Nurseries.

Hanging Baskets

May The Wimborne in Bloom 'Spring Collection' Open Gardens Day raises over £3,000 for in Bloom funds, with over 300 people visiting the private gardens open on the day, read more ...

Spring Collection - Open Gardens Day

May Summer planting preparations underway. All of the planters and towers throughout the town are now being cleared of old vegetation and having their compost filling refreshed in readiness for the Summer Planting which will take place in early June. For the 2024 Summer Season the planting of all the static planters, along with all the hanging baskets, will be supplied by Beecroft Nurseries and watering of all the baskets and planters will be undertaken by Grass and Grounds Ltd

Planters emptied ready for Summer Floral display

Highlights ...

2020 Highlights


Wimborne in Bloom is a completely voluntary organisation. We need to raise in excess of £20,000 a year to fund our operation and maintain our high standards. The fund-raising events arranged are listed here. We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would be willing to host an event for us.

Donations are always welcome and can be made directly to our charity using the Just Giving link below.

Almost all of the money raised through our fund-raising events goes towards purchasing the summer and winter flowers and plants to fill the many planters, tubs and towers located throughout the town and then pay for their regular watering throughout the long summer months. Any money left-over goes towards replacement planters, tubs, the costs associated with staging the fund-raising events and our entry into regional/national competitions.

Seasona colour